What's a shower? Of course we can take a shower to get clean. But, shower can also mean rain. A shower is heavy rain that lasts a short time. Usually weather reporters use this word to describe the rain in detail. We can use shower in conversation to mean the same as rain.
Many places in the U.S. get a lot of rain in the Spring. That helps flowers to grow and bloom. That's why "April showers bring May flowers" is a famous saying.
We use the words shower for other situations, too.
In America, shower is a special party to celebrate a coming wedding or a baby coming soon
Shower can be a verb (action). You can shower someone with gifts or shower them with attention, meaning you give someone a lot of gifts or a lot of attention. Like the the heavy rain.
When you talk about getting clean you take a shower or take a bath. (You might hear someone say, Have a shower or have a bath.)
You get in and get out of the shower and the bath.
Finally --- you run water for a bath, fill the tub, and turn on or run the shower. (Like running water) .
Not too difficult, but for you advanced learners out there: you can also say, draw a bath. Very nice English that means running the water and filling the tub.
Stay healthy, everyone! Some people are starting to go out again, and some people are still taying home. Be safe. This shower will pass and the sun will come out again!